32BTree Privacy PolicyUpdated: February 1, 2023

When you use our services, you’re trusting us with your information. We understand this is a big responsibility and work hard to protect your information and put you in control.

The "32BTree Privacy Policy" is designed to assist you in understanding what information we collect, why we collect it, and how you can update, manage, export and delete your own information. In order to better protect your personal information, it is recommended that you read the "32BTree Privacy Policy" carefully, especially the terms in black and bold. If you have any objection or question about the terms of this Privacy Policy, you can communicate with us through the contact information published in Article 9 "Contact us".

1. Introduction

1.1 "32BTree" refers to 32Plus (Tianjin) Technology Co., Ltd., the operating company of 32BTree.

1.2 "32BTree Privacy Policy" (hereinafter referred to as "this Privacy Policy") applies to all 32BTree products and services.

1.3 Please read and fully understand the entire contents of this Privacy Policy before using 32BTree's products and/or services. Once you use or continue to use 32BTree's products/services, you agree to our use and processing of your relevant information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

1.4 We may revise this Privacy Policy from time to time in accordance with laws and regulations or business adjustments. When this Privacy Policy is changed, we will show you the changed content by means of prompts in prominent positions or push notifications, messages, etc. after the version is updated.

1.5 We store your personal information in accordance with the changed privacy policy only after you confirm and agree to the changed "32BTree Privacy Policy". You have the right to refuse to agree to the change. However, please be aware that once you refuse to agree to the changed privacy policy, you will be unable or unable to continue to use the relevant services and functions of 32BTree completely.

2. Explanation of terms

Unless otherwise agreed, the terms used in this Privacy Policy usually only have the following definitions:

2.1 Personal information: refers to the basic information of natural persons (including personal name, birthday, gender, personal phone number, e-mail address , graduate school ), network identification information (including system account number, IP address), personal virtual property information (Virtual property information such as virtual currency, virtual transactions, exchange codes, etc.), personal online records (including website browser model), personal commonly used device information (including operating system type), personal location information (including approximate geographic location).

2.2 Personal sensitive information: The personal sensitive information involved in this Privacy Policy includes your web browser model information, mobile phone number or email address, and approximate geographic location information.

2.3 Device: A device that can be used to access our products and/or services, such as a desktop computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone.

2.4 IP address: Every device connected to the Internet is assigned a number called an Internet Protocol (IP) address. These numbers are usually assigned by geographic area. An IP address can often be used to identify where a device is connected to the Internet.

2.5 SSL: SSL (Secure Socket Layer) is a security protocol implemented on the Transmission Communication Protocol (TCP/IP). SSL supports various types of networks and provides three basic security services, all of which use public key and symmetric key technology to achieve the effect of information confidentiality.

2.6 Cookies: Cookies are small files containing strings of characters that are sent and stored (usually encrypted) on your computer, mobile device or other device when you log in and use a website or other web content. Cookie-like technologies are other technologies that can be used for similar purposes as cookies, such as Web Beacon, Proxy, embedded script, etc.

2.7 Account: When you register an account and provide us with some personal information, you can better use our services. When you access 32BTree, the system will use account information to authenticate you to prevent unauthorized access to your account.

2.8 Anonymization: The process in which the subject of personal information cannot be identified or associated through technical processing of personal information, and the processed information cannot be recovered.

2.9 De-identification: The process of making it impossible to identify or associate the subject of personal information without additional information through the technical processing of personal information.

2.10 Server logs: Usually, our server will automatically record the web page requests you make when you visit the website. These "Server Logs" typically include your web request, internet protocol address, browser type, browser language, date and time of the request, and one or more cookies that uniquely identify your browser.

3. How we collect and use your personal information

3.1 32BTree collects and uses the personal information you actively provide during the use of the service or generated due to the need for products and/or services in accordance with relevant laws and regulations and the principles of fairness, lawfulness, and necessity. If we want to use your personal information for other purposes not specified in this Privacy Policy, or use the collected information for other purposes based on a specific purpose, we will inform you in a timely and reasonable manner, and before using it ask for your consent again.

3.2 There are two types of your personal information that we collect and use: The first type: the information necessary for the core business functions of our products and/or services: such information is necessary for the normal operation of the products and/or services, you must authorize us to collect it. If you refuse to provide it, you will not be able to use our products and/or services normally. The second type: information that may be collected for additional business functions: this information is required for non-core business functions, and you can choose whether to authorize us to collect it. If you refuse to provide it, it will result in the failure of additional business functions or the effect we intend to achieve, but will not affect your normal use of core business functions.

3.3 Usually, we will collect and use your personal information in the following scenarios:

3.3.1 Account registration

(1) When you register and sign in to your 32BTree account, you need to follow our guidelines to complete a series of registration procedures. During this process, you need to provide us with the following information: mobile phone number or email address (personal sensitive information, used for verification purposes to match personal identity). Only by providing true and accurate above information can you successfully register a 32BTree account and use products and/or services.

(2) You need to understand that the matching result of mobile phone number or email address and verification code belongs to your personal sensitive information. We collect such information based on the relevant requirements of laws and regulations. If you refuse to provide it, you may not be able to register an account and when using related product functions, please consider carefully before choosing whether to provide them. After your account is successfully registered, you can add your nickname, gender, birthday, and graduate school and other relevant information, which are all your "account information". However, if you do not provide supplementary information, it will not affect the use of the basic functions of this service.

3.3.2 Video display and playback

Our products and/or services provide you with video display and playback services. During this process, we need to collect some of your information, including the following personal information: browser type and settings, language settings, operating system version, login IP address. We collect the information to provide you with video display and playback services. If you refuse to provide the above permissions, you may not be able to use our related products and services. Please understand that the individual operating system version, browser model information, etc. are information that cannot identify the identity of a specific natural person. If we combine such non-personal information with other information to identify a specific natural person, or use it in combination with personal information, such non-personal information will be considered personal information during the combined use, unless authorized by you or unless otherwise provided by laws and regulations, we will anonymize and de-identify such personal information.

3.3.3 Customer service

When you file a complaint, appeal or consultation with 32BTree, for the security of your account and system, we may require you to provide account information first and match your previous personal information to verify your user identity. At the same time, in order to facilitate contact with you or help you solve problems, we may also require you to provide personal information (personal sensitive information) such as name, mobile phone number, email and other contact information. In addition, we will also collect your communication with us (including text/pictures/audio/video/call records) and other necessary information related to your needs. We collect this information to investigate facts and help you solve problems. If you refuse to provide the above information, we may not be able to give you timely feedback on the results of complaints, appeals or consultations.

3.3.4 Graphic and video sharing

When you use the functions of commenting, bullet chat, and sharing (including Contribution and Feed), we will collect the above-mentioned graphic and video content information that you voluntarily provide.

3.3.5 Payment

When you Exchange, Send-Pen, and Support on 32BTree, you need to use the payment function. During the trading process, we may collect your trading records.

3.3.6 For other reasonable and necessary purposes

(1) As mentioned above, if a function or product/service that needs to collect your personal information cannot be described in this Privacy Policy, or we exceed the stated purpose and purpose of collecting your personal information and if it is directly or reasonably related. Before collecting and using your personal information, we will explain to you separately by updating this Privacy Policy, page prompts, pop-up windows, website announcements or other means that are convenient for you to know, and provide you with you choose the method of consent, and collect and use it with your express consent.

(2) You understand and agree that we can collect and use your personal information without your authorization under the following circumstances:

a) related to national security and national defense security;

b) related to public safety, public health, and major public interests;

c) directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and execution of judgments;

d) it is difficult to obtain your consent for the protection of your or other personal life, property and other major legitimate rights and interests;

e) the information collected is disclosed to the society by you or collected from legal public channels (such as legal news reports, government information disclosure, etc.);

f) necessary in accordance with the execution and performance of relevant agreements or other written documents with you;

g) necessary to maintain the safe and stable operation of our products and/or services, such as discovering and disposing of product and/or service failures;

h) other circumstances stipulated by laws and regulations.

4. How do we share, transfer and publicly disclose your personal information

4.1 Share

We attach great importance to the protection of your personal information. Your personal information is an important basis and part of us to provide you with products and/or services. For your personal information, we will only use it within the purpose and scope described in this Privacy Policy or collect and use according to the requirements of laws and regulations, and keep it strictly confidential. Under normal circumstances, we will not share your personal information with any companies, organizations and individuals, with the following exceptions:

4.1.1 Your express authorization or consent has been obtained in advance;

4.1.2 Share your personal information in accordance with applicable laws and regulations;

4.1.3 To the extent required or permitted by law, it is necessary to provide your personal information to a third party in order to protect the interests, property or safety of 32BTree and its users or the public from damage.

4.2 Transfer

We will not transfer your personal information to any company, organization or individual without your express consent. In the event of a merger, acquisition or bankruptcy liquidation, the transfer of personal information may be involved. In this case, we will require new companies and organizations that hold your personal information to continue to be bound by this Privacy Policy. If there is any change in the collection and processing of personal information stipulated in this Privacy Policy, the company or organization will seek your authorization and consent again.

4.3 Public disclosure

4.3.1 Public disclosure is the act of releasing information to the society or to an unspecified group of people. We will not publicly disclose your personal information, except for necessary disclosures due to the need to announce penalties for illegal accounts, fraudulent acts, etc., and to desensitize and display relevant information when announcing the list of winners/winners. If there are reasonable reasons for public disclosure, we will inform you of the purpose and type of the publicly disclosed information before the public disclosure (if it involves your personal sensitive information, we will also inform you of the content of the sensitive information involved), And it will be disclosed publicly after obtaining your authorization and consent, unless otherwise stipulated by laws and regulations or otherwise stipulated in this policy.

4.3.2 For your personal information disclosed publicly, we will prudently review its legitimacy, rationality and legality as soon as we receive the application for public disclosure, and take the strictest personal information security measures at the time of public disclosure and after public disclosure. Protective measures and means to protect it.

4.4 Exceptions to Sharing, Transfer, and Public Disclosure of your personal information

Please be aware that in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations, in the following cases, sharing, transferring and publicly disclosing your personal information does not require your prior authorization and consent:

4.4.1 directly related to national security and national defense security;

4.4.2 directly related to public safety, public health and major public interests;

4.4.3 directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and execution of judgments;

4.4.4 in order to protect your or other personal life, property and other major legitimate rights and interests, but it is difficult to obtain your consent;

4.4.5 personal information is disclosed to the public by you or collected from legal public channels (such as legal news reports, government information disclosure, etc.);

4.4.6 necessary in accordance with the signing and performance of relevant agreements or other written documents with you;

4.4.7 other situations stipulated by laws and regulations.

5. About the use of cookies and similar technologies

5.1 When you use our products and/or services, we may use cookies and similar technologies to collect some of your personal information, including: your habit of visiting the 32BTree website, your login information, collection of cookies and similar technologies this type of information is necessary for your use of our products and/or services, simplifies your repetitive steps (such as registration, login), facilitates your viewing of usage history (such as video viewing history), and provides you with more tailored information for your personal needs service content and content that you may be more interested in, protect your information and account security, improve our products and services, etc.

5.2 If you refuse our use of cookies and similar technologies to collect and use your relevant information, you can manage, (part/fully) refuse cookies and/or through the settings of your browser on the premise that your browser has this function. or similar technologies; or delete cookies and/or similar technologies already stored on your computer, mobile device or other device so that we cannot track your personal information in whole or in part. For more information on how to change your browser settings, please check the relevant settings page of the browser you are using. You understand and know that some of our products/services can only be realized by using cookies or similar technologies. If you refuse to use or delete them, you may not be able to use our related products and/or services normally or fail to pass the Our products and/or services provide the best service experience, but may also have a certain impact on your information protection and account security.

6. Our storage and protection of your personal information

6.1 Information storage

We keep your personal information for the shortest period necessary to provide you with products and services, for example: when you use our registration and membership functions, we need to collect your mobile phone number or email address, and when you After providing and while you are using this function, we need to keep your mobile phone number or email address in order to provide you with this function normally and ensure the security of your account and system.

6.2 Information protection

6.2.1 The security of your personal information is of the utmost importance to us. We will strictly abide by relevant laws and regulations, and take reasonable and feasible measures recognized by the industry to protect your personal information. Protect information from unauthorized access, disclosure, use, modification, and avoid damage or loss of information.

6.2.2 We use industry-standard security protection measures to protect the personal information you provide to prevent unauthorized access, public disclosure, use, and modification of data, and to prevent data damage or loss. We will take all reasonably practicable steps to protect your personal information. For example, data is encrypted and protected using SSL; we have established an access control mechanism to ensure that only authorized personnel can access personal information; we hold security and privacy protection training courses from time to time to enhance employees' awareness of the importance of protecting personal information.

All 32BTree products have robust security features built in to provide ongoing protection for your information. During the maintenance of the 32BTree service, we obtain information that helps us detect and automatically prevent security threats. If we detect a risk that we think you should be aware of, we will notify you and guide you through steps so you can be better protected.

7. Your right to manage personal information

We understand your concerns about personal information and do our best to ensure your rights to access, correct, delete, and withdraw authorization for your personal information, so that you have adequate capabilities to protect your privacy and security. Your rights include:

7.1 You have the right to access your personal information

You can check the relevant personal information you have provided to us by following the relevant instructions (or settings) of the products and services we provide. Including:

7.1.1 account information: You can sign in to your Profile at any time through the relevant product page to access the personal information in your account, including: profile, nickname, gender, date of birth, graduated school, signature, etc.;

7.1.2 usage information: You can check your usage information at any time through the relevant product pages, including: feed, contributions, favorites, historical records, transaction details, etc.

7.2 You have the right to correct/ modify your personal information

When you find that the personal information you have provided to us is incorrectly registered, incomplete or updated, you can correct/amend your personal information in our products and/or services. For some of your personal information, we provide you with operation settings on the relevant function page of the product, and you can directly correct/modify it.

7.3 You have the right to delete your personal information

7.3.1 You can delete the information you provide through the functional pages of the relevant products and services provided by us. You can also voluntarily delete the pictures, videos, columns, etc. you published. Once you delete, we will delete such information, unless otherwise required by laws and regulations.

7.3.2 When the following situations occur, you can directly ask us to delete your personal information, unless it has been anonymized or otherwise stipulated by laws and regulations:

(1) when our handling of personal information violates laws and regulations;

(2) when we collect and use your personal information without your consent;

(3) when our handling of personal information violates our agreement with you;

(4) when you cancel your 32BTree account;

(5) when we terminate the service and operation.

7.4 You have the right to cancel your account

You can contact 32BTree customer service via email to cancel your account. When you cancel your account , you will no longer be able to log in and use our products and services with this account; and the rights and interests that have been generated but not consumed by this account during the use of 32BTree and its other products and services and All rights and interests such as future overdue benefits will be cleared; the content, information , data, records, etc. under the account will be anonymized (except as otherwise stipulated by laws and regulations or otherwise required by regulatory authorities ) ; 32BTree Once the account cancellation is complete, it cannot be recovered.

More information on the process and conditions of 32BTree account cancellation, please refer to Article 9 of the " 32BTree User Agreement" for cancellation.

If you have any questions about the disposal of your personal information, you can communicate with us through the contact information published in Article 9 "Contact us" of this Privacy Policy.

8. Our protection of minors

If you are a minor, please stop using our products and/or services.

9. Contact us

If you have any questions about the content of this "32BTree Privacy Policy" or the privacy protection-related matters you encounter when using our services, you can use the email address published on the "Contact us" page of the 32BTree homepage get in touch with us. We will receive your comments and suggestions and reply to you as soon as possible within 15 working days after verifying your user identity. In addition, you understand and acknowledge that we will not be able to respond to your request in the following circumstances related to personal information:

9.1 related to national security and national defense security;

9.2 related to public safety, public health, and major public interests;

9.3 related to criminal investigation, prosecution and trial;

9.4 there is sufficient evidence to show that you have subjective malice or abuse of rights;

9.5 responding to your request will cause serious damage to the legitimate rights and interests of you or other individuals or organizations;

9.6 involving commercial secrets;

9.7 other situations stipulated by laws and regulations.

10. How to update this policy

10.1 In order to provide you with better services, we will update the terms of the 32BTree Privacy Policy according to the product updates and relevant requirements of laws and regulations, which constitute a part of this Privacy Policy. We will not reduce your rights under this policy without your express consent. If such updates result in a substantial reduction or major change in your rights under this Privacy Policy, we will notify you by prominently prompting you or sending you a push message or otherwise before this policy takes effect, if you continue to use our service, it means that you fully read, understand and agree to be bound by the revised "32BTree Privacy Policy".

10.2 Significant changes include but are not limited to:

10.2.1 significant changes have occurred to our service model, such as the purpose of processing personal information, the type of personal information processed, the way personal information is used, etc.;

10.2.2 significant changes have taken place in our ownership structure and organizational structure, such as changes in owners caused by business adjustments, bankruptcy mergers and acquisitions, etc.;

10.2.3 the main objects of personal information sharing, transfer or public disclosure have changed;

10.2.4 significant changes have taken place in your rights to participate in the processing of personal information and the manner in which it is exercised;

10.2.5 the responsible department, contact information and complaint channels that we are responsible for handling personal information security have changed;

10.2.6 when the personal information security impact assessment report indicates that there is a high risk.

This agreement is effective from the date of publication.