Laparoscopic Management of a Patient with Severe PID
This Video is Level 3
To perform at this level, the surgeon should be acquainted with all instruments, have advanced hand-to-eye coordination, recognize the dangers, start focusing on hemostatic principles and safety techniques and be able to operate without supervision.
The patient is a 24-year-old woman, Gr 0, who was hospitalised two months earlier with pelvic pain and raised white cell count. She was treated with IV antibiotics which normalised her blood picture but she continued suffering with pelvic pain.
On examination, she had a soft abdomen but was tender on vaginal palpation. An ultrasound revealed a left hydrosalpinx.
She was assessed by HSG which did confirm the presence of left hydrosalpinx as well as a distended right tube. However, spillage of the radio opaque dye was noticed from that tube.
She consented to an explorative laparoscopy