
2024-6-6 17:21

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MicroRNA and Protein Cargos of Human Limbal Epithelial Cell-Derived Exosomes and Their Regulatory Roles in Limbal Stromal Cells of Diabetic and Non-Diabetic Corneas
Epithelial and stromal/mesenchymal limbal stem cells contribute to corneal homeostasis and cell renewal. Extracellular vesicles (EVs), including exosomes (Exos), can be paracrine mediators of intercellular communication. Previously, we described cargos and regulatory roles of limbal stromal cell (LSC)-derived Exos in non-diabetic (N) and diabetic (DM) limbal epithelial cells (LECs). Presently, we quantify the miRNA and proteome profiles of human LEC-derived Exos and their regulatory roles in N- and DM-LSC. We revealed some miRNA and protein differences in DM vs. N-LEC-derived Exos’ cargos, including proteins involved in Exo biogenesis and packaging that may affect Exo production and ultimately cellular crosstalk and corneal function. Treatment by N-Exos, but not by DM-Exos, enhanced wound healing in cultured N-LSCs and increased proliferation rates in N and DM LSCs vs. corresponding untreated (control) cells. N-Exos-treated LSCs reduced the keratocyte markers ALDH3A1 and lumican and increased the MSC markers CD73, CD90, and CD105 vs. control LSCs. These being opposite to the changes quantified in wounded LSCs. Overall, N-LEC Exos have a more pronounced effect on LSC wound healing, proliferation, and stem cell marker expression than DM-LEC Exos. This suggests that regulatory miRNA and protein cargo differences in DM- vs. N-LEC-derived Exos could contribute to the disease state.
Unveiling Mesenchymal Stem Cells’ Regenerative Potential in Clinical Applications: Insights in miRNA and lncRNA Implications
It is now widely recognized that mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) possess the capacity to differentiate into a wide array of cell types. Numerous studies have identified the role of lncRNA in the regulation of MSC differentiation. It is important to elucidate the role and interplay of microRNAs (miRNAs) and long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) in the regulation of signalling pathways that govern MSC function. Furthermore, miRNAs and lncRNAs are important clinical for innovative strategies aimed at addressing a wide spectrum of existing and emerging disease. Hence it is important to consider their impact on MSC function and differentiation. Examining the data available in public databases, we have collected the literature containing the latest discoveries pertaining to human stem cells and their potential in both fundamental research and clinical applications. Furthermore, we have compiled completed clinical studies that revolve around the application of MSCs, shedding light on the opportunities presented by harnessing the regulatory potential of miRNAs and lncRNAs. This exploration of the therapeutic possibilities offered by miRNAs and lncRNAs within MSCs unveils exciting prospects for the development of precision therapies and personalized treatment approaches. Ultimately, these advancements promise to augment the efficacy of regenerative strategies and produce positive outcomes for patients. As research in this field continues to evolve, it is imperative to explore and exploit the vast potential of miRNAs and lncRNAs as therapeutic agents. The findings provide a solid basis for ongoing investigations, fuelling the quest to fully unlock the regenerative potential of MSCs.
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