United States
lymphangitis. probably caused by group A strep.
First question in the new year. A man presented with this tender lesion on his arm; he was previously healthy, did not recall a recent insect bite, and otherwise had no symptoms. He improved with antibiotics. What is the diagnosis?
Accelerated Nursing Programs are a great solution if you already have a Bachelors Degree in something other than nursing, but wish to become a registered nurse. I went through an accelerated BSN program years ago when I changed my major late in college and decided to pursue nursing. In this video I go over what an Accelerated BSN program is, what the prerequisites are, how to succeed in one, and what you can expect once in the program. I’ll share my work experience, and how to have balance between life and school while in nursing school.
In today’s video I take you with me for a day in the life of a primary care provider! I’ll walk you through what my day to day looks like as a Family Nurse Practitioner, what tasks I complete behind the scenes, give you a tour of my office, and provide some tips for getting through your day without getting too behind.
Recently the Chief Nursing Officer (CNO) of University Medical Center (UMC) Las Vegas wrote an interesting letter to her nursing staff where she detailed that not only would be they required to pick up mandatory extra overtime shifts, but they would be losing their crisis pay as well. In this video we will go through the Letter from the CNO, and explain how her behavior is inappropriate for the workplace, and something we see far too often in the nursing profession.
We've all had a patient escape at some point in our careers, let's be honest. And, well, sometimes the stories can be pretty darn funny! As I no longer work for a healthcare institution/hospital/practice, I don't have a conflict of interests or fear of being fired for telling your very HIPAA Compliant stories, and because I have the platform to do so, I've decided to tell your stories! We start with Great Patient Escapes! All stories are edited or sent in in full HIPAA Compliance, and these videos are not meant to shame or belittle or make fun of patients in any way. We're about respectful humor around here.
Plan B is not an abortion pill. But what is it? With the recent supreme court leak over the possible overturn of roe v wade, there's been a lot of talk over reproductive rights and abortion recently. Amidst the many roe v wade protests, Tennessee Governor, Bill Lee, recently signed an amendment that will ban online ordering of abortion pills and social media mistakenly lumped Plan B emergency contraception in with this. So what is Plan B Emergency contraception, also known as the "morning after pill? And what other types of emergency contraception are out there?
What I Wish I Knew Before Becoming A Nurse. In today’s Video we will discuss just that! I’ll go over the reality of nursing, the good, the bad, and everything in between. The reality of a nurses schedule. What its like working nights, holidays, and weekends. The pro’s and cons of the schedule. Mandating as a nurse, mandatory overtime. Is being a nurse gross? And more. Hope it helps clarify if you are thinking of becoming a nurse but aren’t sure what it would really be like!
What are the Top 10 Red Flags to avoid in a nurse practitioner job interview? No set schedule? No admin time? A way too impressive sign-on bonus? I've got you covered in the first episode of my new series focusing on helping you navigate your NP job hunt.
Pathophysiology and Advanced Pathophysiology are some of the hardest classes in nursing and NP school! But you can absolutely pass them, and this video has some of my tips to help you get there! In this video I’ll go over how I decide what I’m going to read in patho, my methods for skimming information, and where I find additional information to supplement my learning. Advanced patho in particular really made me get creative with how I found and digested information, since there wasn’t a lot of lecture, and I’m not someone who learns well from books.
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